Hekate Station Retrograde 2025:  A Torch Ablaze Within the Abyss

Hekate Station Retrograde 2025:  A Torch Ablaze Within the Abyss


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Hekate Station Retrograde at 13 Scorpio 10:44 AM EST


Asteroid Hekate burns a blazing torch in the darkness, illuminating times of Crossroads and uncertainty.  This is an influence that requires work, raw honesty, and confrontation with the things that we would rather allow to proliferate in the dark.  Hekate presents challenge and draws us to consider the unseen and the liminal.  We walk here in an in-between space where certainty is turned upside down, and we are reminded of how little we can truly know, and touch upon the fraction of possibility that we can perceive and feel.  There is a vastness that this influence encompasses that may feel discernably cold, visceral, and at times, frightful.  This is not a path for the faint of heart, this is a healing journey through some of the darkest recesses of the mind and of the soul within the sign of Scorpio, where Hekate now comes to the Crossroads to meet at a point of Station Retrograde. 


Hekate in Scorpio is like suddenly and shockingly becoming aware that what’s been around us this entire time isn’t a deep cave of contemplation where we go of our own volition, it’s an abyss…formless, shapeless, haunting.  Hekate in Scorpio has powerful primal instinct, and razor sharp, excessively incisive intuition that can help to navigate this Crossroads with uncomfortable clarity.  Whatever depth we’ve dived into already, there is a deeper and more compelling space yet to plunge, and demons to be confronted that have not yet made their names and natures known but they’re there, we can feel them now.   Scorpio as a sign has an extremely powerful instinctual drive, being Mars ruled, and its hidden worlds can become obsessive.  This is a place of psychological fascination as well as trepidation, and what is buried here can be extremely difficult to unearth…Scorpio is associated with the occult for a reason.  We only divulge what we want to in this abyss of secrets.  Hekate in this atmosphere is not only right at home in showing us what needs to be confronted deep within, but in showing us how to find comfort in accepting the nature of this darkness, this uncertainty as merely natural. 


Scorpionic lessons can also revolve around issues of power, and control.  This is a time where we must consider where we have felt disempowered, and remember that primal instinct guides the response here, the soul is calling and cannot be ignored.  To define Scorpio as “sex, death, other people’s money” is so reductive as to sound pitifully banal, when we consider the transformational power of this space of profound depth, where we are changed by what we encounter and also use will as a force to engage change around us.  What we become here is a primal response that seeks to somehow regain or reassert control.  Scorpio intentionally provokes and evokes; it seeks to meld.  The nature of this sign doesn’t just “possess” or “obsess” there is a drive to become ONE with the abyss, and Hekate here at Station Retrograde almost halfway through the sign is here to illuminate exactly how vast and all encompassing the drive for transformation may be right now, in this otherwise drastic time of astrological extremes that we are experiencing in 2025.   


Hekate in Scorpio now comes to a standstill, a revelation in the deafening silence…and this Crossroads is one of primal, instinctual tenacity through the abyss.   We still have to navigate it, this is a Retrograde that will last until June 18/19 but it WILL take place entirely in the sign of Scorpio, so this Underworld guidance we find here at the beginning is how we unravel the mystery for the duration until Hekate Stations Direct at 0 Scorpio.   This is our opportunity to pause, take a HARD look at our own psychological motivations and drive in the stillness, and above all else, to LISTEN and follow instinct.  The chart for this time of Station Retrograde is one that inspires intense supportive and healing influences if we’re willing to do the deeper work that Hekate now sets forth for us.  This isn’t an influence that anyone HAS to acknowledge, respect, or work with.  It doesn’t punish and doesn’t come unbidden.  The Crossroads is an active place of choice, of decisive petition.   It’s a space that once you decide to seek it, can unfold in ways that are mysterious and compelling.  Hekate brings not what you want, but exactly what you NEED, and in Scorpio, that requires a deeper sense of confrontation and acknowledgement of what we’ve been burying and hiding all along the path thus far.  Scorpio often lies in wait, and stings only when the precision of time is right.  This is not a sign that forgets nor forgives easily.  It’s a sign that will use every excruciating detail to our own advantage in how to redirect immense willpower, and Hekate is not shy about showing us which places need to be examined.   


As Hekate comes to the Crossroads of Station Retrograde at 13 degrees Scorpio, Moon is in a very tight trine from Cancer, the home sign of Moon, at 12 degrees.  Moon is applying to a conjunction to Mars in Cancer, with Mars in its sign of fall and in its own complicated state after the recent Mars Retrograde, Mars is tightly trine Pisces Sun.  It’s important here to note that Scorpio, traditionally, is a Mars ruled sign.    Mars endured a TOUGH Retrograde period that began in Leo and ended its backward journey in Cancer, a place where Mars is not exactly comfortable, and the emotional tsunami may have been overwhelming or destructive.   Mars Stationed Direct on February 23, but is STILL here at the same degree where it Stationed, grinding and not yet actually moving forward.  There may be a discernible feeling that is “lack of progress” or “unwillingness to move” that is characterized by this Mars that ruminates and dwells here in emotional turmoil.   


Mars in Cancer may still feel paralyzed, and there is a need to integrate the compassion and forgiveness and acceptance that Pisces Sun can inspire as these two come together in a harmonious trine.  Trines are a gentle aspect that allow for flow, and Pisces as Mutable Water allows the emotional tirade of Mars in Cancer to perhaps be redirected from a rushing river sweeping us away to less threatening tributaries that can dissolve and disperse the dramatic emotional energy of Mars, still at Station, in Cancer.  I wrote about Mars Retrograde extensively on my website across multiple subscription levels of accessibility.   This Piscean Sun feeling of culmination to Mars Retrograde is important to the emotional processing, and the spiritual implications going forward.   Hekate in Scorpio reminds us where we are deeply committed, and bound to the things that we have engaged with intent and focus.  Mars Retrograde may have disrupted these or prevented them from fullfillment.  Hekate in Scorpio holds us accountable here for where we have not lived up to our commitments, and this may be a painful time of realization about these Mars lessons at hand.  Pisces Sun encourages forgiveness that Scorpio in not naturally inclined toward, and compassion that allows for the true depth of connection that Scorpio requires.  There is no surface level of anything allowed here.  We are in the deep below, an Underworld journey that can no longer be avoided.  With Pisces Sun, it’s time to turn it toward a place of healing, and breaking those avoidant patterns.


Cancer Moon applying to a conjunction to Mars is integral as Moon is tightly trine Hekate, and Hekate as a Lunar influence is strongly tied to the nature of the Moon sign as Moon completes its 28 day cycle each month.  In my practice, I consider the influence of Asteroid Hekate most profound under the Dark Moon phase, but just like Black Moon Lilith as Lilith is merely a calculated point of Lunar orbit, Asteroid Hekate being archetypally tied to Moon makes Her influence undeniable when Moon is in Cancer, especially under a direct aspect.  Cancer Moon guides us toward acknowledging deeper issues of insecurity, and Hekate in Scorpio delves into the psychological motivations that create these patterns, allowing us to see through to the core.  This time of Station, if we choose to work with it, is about not only confrontation, but healing as we acknowledge the deeper, unmet needs of the soul as Hekate shows us things about this Crossroads that we didn’t see before or weren’t quite ready to confront under Mars Retrograde.  Mars as ruler of Scorpio cannot be underestimated in this time of Station, no matter how quiet it may prefer to appear.   This is a haunted place, of ghosts and regret…and it’s time to lay it all to rest.  Pisces Sun helps to raise these things from the symbolic death of the subconscious, we feel them deeply under Cancer Mars that can no longer hide within the shell, and Hekate strips them down to not what we wish or hope for, but what we NEED.  This is a process of shedding skin, and it may be painful…these things are outgrown, or long-term unhealthy and damaging patterns that must die in order to harness transformation.   


Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion, also makes a confusing quincunx aspect to Hekate from 12 Gemini, where Jupiter may be overconfident in what we think we know, and Hekate guides us here to perhaps just shut up and listen.  Jupiter in Gemini is a Jupiter in its sign of detriment, and it’s highly analytical.  It’s not time for THINKING under this time of Hekate Station Retrograde, it’s time for feeling, for exhuming and for reconciliation with the core of our being.  Jupiter in Gemini in a quincunx is an aspect that can feel scattered or confusing, we may not know where the rampant thoughts or the anxiety is coming from.  Quincunxes are aspects where planets are in signs that don’t “see” each other, it’s one step away from opposition, and we don’t see the onslaught coming.   It will require self-control and mastery in accordance with Scorpio precision and focus in order to use this time of Station of Hekate to full advantage, and chatter or distraction is unproductive and may be uncomfortable.  The deeper stirrings here are what is important, and it is imperative not to overthink, or to leave unfinished examination for later.  Whatever arises around this time of Station that feels strongly compelling is important. 


The entire Retrograde does not carry this intense culmination and presentation of a new and different Crossroads, Retrogrades are a natural part of the cycle.  This is not an “inhibited” Hekate, it’s one that will be tracing steps we’ve already taken and illuminating them under different perspective and insight.  We can see mistakes made, confront them, and choose more wisely.  The most potent spaces within a Retrograde are Station Retrograde, the solar conjunction or opposition at the center, and Station Direct.  Outside of those points, this is where examination of your chart and how Hekate impacts you personally is important.  If you work closely with asteroid Hekate, especially if this influence is somehow prominent within your natal chart, this time of Station Retrograde may be particularly dramatic for you in contexts of where it happens in your chart and the nature of your own natal Hekate.  The nature of the guidance you seek or intuitively gravitate toward may change and shift to something more deeply personal, and soul-fulfilling.   My astrological observation and experience often finds that people who are compelled toward Hekate as a deity or an archetype often have influential placement of asteroid 100, which bears Her name.   You can easily find your own Hekate placement by adding asteroid number 100 in the extended chart selection menu option on astro dot com, which I recommend as the most accurate free calculation tool available without purchasing professional software.   


For further insight into the general meaning and influence of Asteroid Hekate, please see this article I’ve written that is also publicly accessible on my website. 

