Saturn Station Retrograde 2024:  Integrating Lessons Within Ever Deepening Waters

Saturn Station Retrograde 2024:  Integrating Lessons Within Ever Deepening Waters

Saturday, June 29, 2024 3:07 PM EDT

Saturn Station Retrograde at 19 Pisces

Mercury and Venus in Cancer trine Saturn Station in Pisces

Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn Station in Pisces

Aries Moon square Mercury and Venus in Cancer

Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries

Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus

Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Divine Flame Asteroid and Dwarf Planet Tier

Saturn Station trine Pallas in Scorpio

Saturn Station sextile Ceres in Capricorn

Moon/Chiron in Aries conjunct Eris

Venus in Cancer opposite Ceres in Capricorn

Divine Dark Feminine Tier

Saturn Station Retrograde opposite black Moon Lilith in Virgo

Uranus at 25 Taurus conjunct Dark Moon Lilith and opposite Asteroid Lilith in Scorpio

Divine Desire Tier

Saturn Station Retrograde in Pisces opposite Juno in Virgo

Saturn, the planet of guidance and discipline, the cosmic father principle, is at the point of standstill, where we must stop and reach a point of discernment.  Saturn is often thought of as a planet of “karma” to which I propose a description, instead, as “reward for or loss of according to effort made.”  That’s my take on Saturn, it can bring the hardest earned success, or a space of desolation and feel like restriction, or punishment.  What we do catches up with us either way, and in the Saturn cycle, it’s felt deeply within the context of Retrograde.  Saturn is not an inner planet, and therefore spends a considerable amount of its time Retrograde, almost half the year.  This Retrograde takes us back through the middle of the sign of Pisces, where we should be making progress on the lessons that Saturn has presented in regard to Piscean themes of belief, hope, compassion, dreams, spirituality, creative expression, and intuition.  This is the second Retrograde period for Saturn in the sign of Pisces, where it’s been since March 2023.  This is the final sign of the Zodiac, and Saturn seeks closure here, to clearly define guidelines in areas where we may yet face uncertainty, and to bring things to a sense of finality and peace.  

The compassion demanded by Saturn in Pisces may be difficult, and the restructuring of what we believe may be an intense process.  Pisces is, by nature, a gentle sign, but we have to remember that though the surface is placid, beneath there can be an emotional undertow that subsumes us without warning.  There is depth required here, and we do not learn lessons by remaining where it’s shallow and more pleasant.  Saturn is persistent in reminding us of exactly where things don’t measure up, or where we need to work harder…in Pisces, that means where we need to find or offer acceptance, and how we navigate issues of compassion and forgiveness.  In a sign that struggles with fluid and ever shifting boundaries, that may, in fact, entail learning when to build walls and protect ourselves, having that acceptance and compassion and forgiveness offered not to others who don’t deserve it, but to ourselves.  We may be called now to recognize where further work is needed, especially in areas that we have avoided, procrastinated, or where there have been blockages we haven’t been able to work around.  Such is the nature of Saturn, the enforcer of rules and the builder of discipline.  We are now submerged within whatever flow we’ve created or allowed, and the nature of the sacrifices it took to get here becomes the key to survival.  

The most intense parts of a Retrograde for any planet come in threes: the Station at each end (Retrograde then Direct) and then the conjunction to or opposition with Sun in the middle, that is the entire reason for the Retrograde.  Here we stand with Saturn grinding down to halt at the beginning, to Station Retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces.  Saturn will make the opposition to Sun on September 8 at 16 degrees of Pisces and Virgo, respectively and then will once again Station Direct on November 14 at 12 degrees Pisces ON the Taurus Full Moon which will be conjunct Uranus.  Pisces may be a “peaceful” sign but when we consider that this Retrograde will end up going out with a bang like that, we need to pay attention NOW to the messages that we receive, because change is imminent, and the more we do to get the work done the better.  If any of the degrees involved in the Retrograde (12, 16, 19) are significant in your chart, especially in Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) then pay attention, because Saturn is giving direction specifically to YOU and will be highlighting issues that need to be prioritized by you.  This Station Retrograde chart is our way to navigate the initial phase of this Retrograde cycle, and describes the influences working with or against us during this time.  I will not be discussing chart angles or houses, as they are different for everyone depending upon location.  My chart is calculated for EDT.  The most important aspects to consider are those directly involving Saturn, but the overall chart matters, too, especially in consideration to your own natal chart, and to your own Saturn.  Pisces is the sign of healing, but Saturn here reminds us that healing requires hard work and persistent effort.  Setbacks are necessary guidance during this time, and in Pisces, spiritual resources are deep and can be harnessed for healing. 

Saturn Station Retrograde at 19 Pisces

It feels like an incredibly long transit since Saturn entered Pisces all the way back in March of 2023.  We’ve had significant Eclipses and outer planet sign changes and other outer planet major conjunctions since then, along with a significant Venus Retrograde.  It’s been a long, hard road and now we stand knee deep in a current that Pisces may be hesitant to react to, but Saturn, of all planets, demands responsibility and duty.  Pisces by nature tends to go with the flow, we prefer to allow the events that surround us to shape us and guide us, and upon this Station wherever we’ve procrastinated or engaged in avoidance, Saturn is certain to point out where we need to pick up the slack and take responsibility.  Saturn becomes more stern as it progresses through a sign, and this is now the second Retrograde we will experience here, and the lessons to heed will be taking us deeper.  

This is a spiritual reckoning, and may come with big shifts in how we LIVE our spiritual paths.  Saturn doesn’t play, it’s time to walk our talk.  Saturn is harsh reality and Pisces is the sign of the dreamer, the artist, the seer.  What are we doing to hold ourselves accountable when it comes to spiritual discernment, are we upholding our beliefs, and are they founded in the present?  Anywhere we’re experiencing growing pains is a place up for examination under this transit, and this will be pointed out at Station Retrograde.  Whatever the nature of your spiritual path, Saturn in Pisces demands hard earned experience and challenges us to affirm it or to confront its weaknesses.  Saturn can also represent authority, and issues that surround our experience of it, and we may be challenged by authority or our authority may be challenged.  We are now in deep Waters, and bear the weight of our decisions.  This may be comforting, or it may be challenging, it all depends upon how we’ve integrated the lessons according to our charts. 

This Mutable Water sign is one where lines get blurred easily, and Saturn reminds us what is centered in reality in this sign that lives in daydreams and fantasy at times.  This Station may present a major reality check, especially in regard to people operating in a space of spirituality for hire or as a business.  Many who are adept in their paths feel pushed out or called away from guiding and teaching with Saturn in Pisces, as the rise within social spheres of less competent and poorly equipped voices on the subject has become prevalent.  The people with the most to say and the earned, experienced advice are withdrawing en masse to nurture their own endeavors instead of sharing their paths, a trend that began last year.  As such, this time of Station may be a profound wake up call to fill need where need exists, with the compassion of Pisces and the diligence of Saturn in guiding and shaping the current around us.  Certainly with Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini poised to revolutionize the way we connect on a social and societal level, the underlying spiritual authority of Saturn in Pisces is needed to show us which voices within the crowd have merit, and which ones can fall by the wayside.  If ever there was a time for discernment, it’s now. Saturn is the judge, the jury, and the executioner when it comes to stopping unproductive patterns in their tracks, and this is a strongly intuitive Saturn.  It’s time to go quiet, be still, and listen most intently to your own inner voice above all else.  Filter out the noise, and pay attention to the deepest of feelings and the most elusive of dreams.  

Mercury and Venus in Cancer trine Saturn Station in Pisces

Mercury, planet of thought and communication and Venus, planet of relationships and resources were just conjunct recently in Cancer, which I detailed for Patrons.  This conjunction has now separated with Mercury pulling ahead of Venus by 10 degrees, but they are both still close enough in orb to both be trine Saturn Station, with Mercury at 25 Cancer and Venus at 15 Cancer.  The Mercury/Venus conjunction happened on June 17, ahead of the Solstice but ON the Solstice point of 0 Cancer.  When I talked about this conjunction for Patrons, I said:

“For the next month and half, in practical terms, the emphasis is on the roots of home and family, and it’s time to pour our efforts into meeting needs of security, in particular, emotional security, in ways that facilitate healing.  There may be explosions along the way as overwhelming Cancer feelings must be acknowledged and understood, it’s most important that we feel deep connections and that trust remains intact.”  

Saturn, in a relationship construct, is a planet of firm commitment and dedication, of duty and obligation.  Here at Saturn Station Retrograde, as it is trine Mercury and Venus both in the chart, it’s time to ensure that these Cancer needs for emotional security and stability are met, and if they aren’t, to do something about it.  Saturn reconstructs, and is a planet of building, sometimes from the ground up.  In the deep emotional Water of Pisces, Saturn calls for us to dredge the bottom of hidden emotional experience with the intent of closure, bringing things to resolution.  Given this trine to Mercury and Venus in Cancer, we are tasked with serious emotional work here, wherever we may have unmet needs, it’s time to address them.  Where the needs of others are unmet and we have ignored the subtle signs, the demand of Saturn may increase, and they will now be unavoidable.  Saturn in Pisces can entail heavy emotional burden, and anyone or anything that has felt neglected or unimportant will need to find connection and emotional security in order to begin the healing process.  This Station may bring those situations to awareness now, that the work may begin.  

This is a profoundly impactful time for all things that revolve around home, family, roots…where we come from, and where we are seeking to establish more solid ground in the present.  Pisces is a sign that requires reciprocal emotional engagement and interaction…and the trine to Mercury and Venus in Cancer will have us seeking it in ways that make an emotional statement.  We need deep and abiding spiritual connection and reciprocal attachment under this influence at Saturn Station, and the work done to sustain it comes through Mercury in Cancer authentic emotionally driven communication, and Venus in Cancer nurture and commitment to relationship.  Saturn amplifies intuition, strengthens emotion, and deepens these connections when we do the work to develop them consciously. 

Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn Station in Pisces

Mars, planet of action and drive, is in Taurus, its sign of detriment, where Mars moves at a slow and plodding pace and cannot be rushed, but builds strong foundations with indomitable will.  Mars sextile Saturn at Station Retrograde reminds us to find the opportunity within routine, to dig our heels in where we have committed, and to see things through to the end.  Mars in Taurus is not impulsive, it’s dedication and stability oriented, and that allows this Mutable Saturn to ground dreams into reality, one step at a time.  We may build slowly, but we are still building.  Saturn in Pisces is restructuring our dreams and visions of the future, and whatever this Station entails, whether it’s a shift in circumstance or not, the way through the Retrograde is with Mars in Taurus deliberate action, at a reasonable pace.  Saturn may enact restriction, things may feel as though they are held back, delayed, or not flowing the way that they should.  Whatever Saturn Station Retrograde calls us to reevaluate, there is no need to jump into action, to completely abandon whatever processes we’ve already undertaken.  We need intuition, we need planning, and we need to look once again at the foundation that Mars in Taurus has built. Where can we support it, where can we strengthen from the bottom up?  Saturn in Pisces may have lofty goals and visions, and Mars in Taurus supports the reality check that is needed to make them attainable by revising them into something more realistic.  Sextiles are a door-opening aspect, and one that requires work to complete.  They represent opportunity, and this is a chance to reformulate what we’ve been doing into something even better if we are willing to allow feelings to guide the process.  There may be regret over things left undone that surfaces under this Saturn Station, and Mars in Taurus can help us to look at the structures and  routines (or lack thereof) that got us there, and revise them now with a reasonable and sustainable pace in mind. 

Aries Moon square Mercury and Venus in Cancer

Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries

Saturn Station will take place under a Cardinal Fire Aries Moon, with Moon at 20 degrees, square both Mercury and Venus, and Moon conjunct Chiron.  Moon is only 1 degree from the place where we experienced the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, and the Eclipse was conjunct Chiron to the degree, making this space throughout the Lunar cycle, until the next Eclipses, a space of heightened sensitivity, especially in the context of Chiron.  We are ALL working through intense battles within right now, and this square from Moon to both Mercury, planet of thought and communication and Venus planet of relationships and resources while Chiron lingers near is a powerful and highly reactive emotional state.  It does not get any more emotionally explosive than squares from Aries to Cancer, with provocation perhaps even being intentional, and these Cardinal signs fueling disagreement and inability to see a resolution.  This is a difficult place, Aries Moon complicates things, especially when we consider that Mercury and Venus both trine Saturn.  Aries Moon is a wild card, impulsive and impetuous, sudden actions will have backlash and volatile emotional provocation can be extremely damaging during this Station.  Whatever hidden emotion has been eating away at us needs to be addressed, that’s an imperative, but it cannot just be unleashed in a tsunami, or Aries Moon may just burn everything to the ground.  Saturn in Pisces would advise discipline, compassion, and patience…and Aries Moon has none of those things.  

Thanks to this square from Aries Moon to Mercury and Venus, painful emotions are going to be exacerbated under this Station, and this may be a major tipping point in ongoing situations where hurt feelings or feelings of isolation are prevalent.  We need connection, we need affirmation, and we need spiritual growth…whatever inhibits these will be perceived as the enemy, and the battle that Aries Moon may wage is not only unnecessary, but counterproductive.  Don’t engage with volatile people, and don’t burn any bridges that may later need to be rebuilt.  It will not be an easy process.  Boundaries are necessary, but if you choose to cut ties under this Station, do so with conscious decision and choice, not impulsivity.  I will discuss the provocative role of Eris in the context of Chiron for Patrons on the Divine Flame Asteroid and Dwarf Planet Tier.

Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus

Venus in romantic and deeply attached Cancer has strong support in her endeavors to build a real and emotional connection in a precise sextile from Mars, planet of action and drive, in Taurus.  Venus is what we desire, and Mars is how we pursue that which we desire.  Venus in Cancer is sentimental, and needs true connection and Mars in Taurus builds slowly, stabilizing, and securely.  Mars in Taurus prioritizes physical and material security, which are necessary foundations for Venus to have the comfort she seeks and the security that she needs.  There is a saving grace sort of influence to this sextile, while Saturn may show us places where we still face lack or uncertainty, Venus sextile Mars says that we’re slowly and surely working toward something greater, with deep roots and strong foundations.  This is a holding on during the hard times sort of sextile, and it’s a lovely underlying influence to consider when we look at the instability that Venus may be facing in the tense square from Aries Moon.  What we’re building has meaning, and matters deeply and that is precisely what Saturn in Pisces is asking of us.  To dream something with meaning, to express belief in a way that embodies it, that lives and breathes who and what we truly are.  

The key considerations here for Saturn Station Retrograde is to remember that Saturn in Pisces seeks closure, and finality, while the Cancer influences that we are under are deeply attached, and bittersweet.  This Retrograde will be with us through November, and it’s not a long period of “inaction” or “waiting” because Saturn is not an inner planet.  It’s the planet of requirement, and Retrograde means repeated lessons we didn’t quite work through the first time around.  Saturn gives direction, but we have to be willing to listen and to restructure, and the challenge is directly hitting us in what we believe.  It’s time to live up to the principles we’ve formed while Saturn was in its signs of domicile for the 6 years before it entered Pisces, where principle becomes a path of spiritual discernment and leadership.  This Retrograde is about Saturn adjusting the current for Pisces, it may feel more restrained, or it may open the floodgates to all of the effort we’ve made being rewarded with yet more hard work.  Keep in mind the key dates of intensity:

Saturn Station Retrograde at 19 Pisces 6.29.24

Virgo Sun opposite Saturn at 16 degrees Pisces 9.8.24

Saturn Station Direct 12 Pisces 11.15.2024

Saturn will Station Direct just as Pluto steps out of Capricorn in Direct motion for the last time in our lifetimes, just 4 days later…the deeper and more seriously we take the spiritual side of the work now, the better prepared we will be when that time of reckoning is upon us.  If it sounds like many of these aspects inherent in Station are ready to spiral, that isn’t wrong…but when things get tough with Saturn, that’s the point.  There is work yet to be done, and Station makes it unavoidable for this sign that may prefer to wait for things to change around us before engaging.  Saturn in Pisces wants us to stop dreaming and make things happen. 

The asteroid, dwarf planet, and Lilith influences that tie into this Saturn Station Retrograde are rather intense, and will be covered on the appropriate Tiers.  

Saturn Station for the Divine Flame Asteroid and Dwarf Planet Tier

Saturday, June 29, 2024 3:07 PM EDT

Saturn Station trine Pallas in Scorpio

Saturn Station sextile Ceres in Capricorn

Moon/Chiron in Aries conjunct Eris

Venus in Cancer opposite Ceres in Capricorn

Saturn Station trine Pallas in Scorpio

Saturn Station has a profoundly psychological edge in this tight and supportive trine from Pallas-Athena, with incisive Scorpio instinct underlying decisions.  This is an asteroid influence that does not shy away from dark truths, nor from confrontation.  Pallas-Athena in Scorpio moves in secret, quietly obsessing and planning and plotting every maneuver, and this covert instinctual influence allows us not only to see the motivations of others, but to understand our own on deeper levels.  Overall, Scorpio/Pisces influences tend to be a demand for acceptance, with Pisces unable to NOT see the hard truths that we wish were perhaps different.  Pallas-Athena in this chart engages Saturn in Pisces directly, reminding us where necessary boundaries are beneficial, and not allowing our compassion to be mistaken for weakness.  This can decidedly be an aspect that inspires revenge, not necessarily in a nasty way, but one that revels in the challenge of growth and is not shy about taking what is ours.  This heightened sense of intuition can be a powerful asset if we listen closely, but it requires watching, listening, waiting, once again the chart cautions against impulsivity.  This is an aspect that speaks to right timing and right approach being the key to resolving deeper issues that lie within, the obsession that burns is the thing that we’re being guided toward. 

Saturn Station sextile Ceres in Capricorn, Venus in Cancer opposite Ceres in Capricorn

Saturn at Station is also in a loose sextile to dwarf planet Ceres, the influence of nature and nurture, in hardworking Capricorn, offering determination and dedication.  This is not a tight sextile, so the influence is more general than directly targeted, but at the end of the day, Saturn rules Capricorn and the message of Ceres here is that persistence wins out over distraction.  Saturn in Pisces is here to cut through distraction and the patterns of avoidance that the sign so often struggles with, and ruler Capricorn brings focus and persistence through Ceres, who doesn’t rest until the work is done.  We nurture through Ceres in Capricorn by DOING, and this is an aspect that rolls up our sleeves and gets to work.  The elusive and ethereal Piscean dream world has to be funneled down and structured into something that we can actually begin to build, and Ceres can show us where there are real-world benefits for the spiritual work that Saturn discerns for us.  Healers, caregivers, artists, dreamers, this aspect is for you…the hard work may sometimes be rewarded with just the feeling of completion, but that isn’t enough for Ceres in Capricorn, we need demonstrable metrics of progress for Saturn in Pisces to be able to define success and accomplishment in these uncertain Waters where the material isn’t necessarily the primary focus.  How do we judge and measure spiritual growth?  Ceres in Capricorn can help us to see what that looks like by analyzing smaller changes over time.  Look hard at the time elapsed between March 2023 and now, and know that Saturn is about halfway through its journey through Pisces.  What distractions do we still need to get past, and how can we compare then to now? 

Venus, planet of relationships and resources, is in much tighter aspect to Ceres in a direct opposition, and it’s also important to note here that Ceres will be exactly opposite the upcoming New Moon at 14 Cancer on July 5.  I will discuss the New Moon in specificity on the Divine Lunation Tier at the appropriate time, and the opposition to Ceres will be included, of course.  This Venus/Ceres opposition may make tension along the axis of Cancer/Capricorn home, family, feelings/goals, aspiration, work prominent.  Cancer is the nurturer, and with Ceres so intently focused upon success and first taking care of the material reality, Venus may be feeling pressure to perform, or the need to hide the emotional labor we’re expected to do.  This is an aspect of “suck it up” and pretend things are FINE when they are tense, and when we consider that Saturn Station trines Venus and sextiles Ceres, the emphasis here for SATURN lies with a shift to expectations.  Capricorn, which rules Saturn, is rigid and inflexible when it comes to what constitutes success, and when we are set on an idea or goal, what we first envision is perfect and we work toward it without fail, and if there is failure in any regard, we consider it all a failure and this can be taken personally.  Saturn in Pisces requires a more gentle approach and a softer touch, because Saturn is more emotionally driven in Pisces, but Ceres in Capricorn struggles with a gentler and more accepting approach.  Saturn in Pisces wants us to accept those imperfections, and rather than hyperfocus on them and try to “improve them” it’s time to work WITH THEM, therefore removing their power.  Venus in Cancer on the opposite end of the axis may feel burned out completely with taking such excellent care of everyone else around us, providing for their emotional security, that we lose our own within the imbalance.  Ceres in Capricorn can only work tirelessly for so long, and Saturn in Pisces will show us where burnout is a danger.  This may be a particularly exhausting Station, both physically and emotionally as a result of these influences.  Being tired is not a cue to quit, it’s a sign that we need space, and that we need to be nurtured, too.  Venus being the planet of resources may also show us here where we are underpaid, or taking on labor that isn’t ours whatsoever, whether in a mundane or an emotional regard.  Again, “boundaries boundaries boundaries” is the message that Saturn imparts in this situation.  

Moon/Chiron in Aries conjunct Eris

Eris, the Mistress of Discord and dwarf planet of rebellious provocation, is conjunct Moon/Chiron.  Eris is a bit wide to Moon for my taste, but with Chiron applying at an orb of 2 degrees where Chiron will Station conjunct Eris in July, this is a situation that is now heating up and will continue to heat up.  Eris operates through discord and argument and confrontation, and often calls to our attention situations of injustice or imbalance, there is an underlying “IT’S NOT FAIR” that becomes not just an irritation but a battle cry as Eris will wage war and do whatever it takes to take someone or something off an undeserved pedestal, or see the collective start questioning things that were previously accepted.  Eris, on a collective level, can inspire great social change but it comes with extreme feelings…Eris can be bitter jealousy and spite, or a justified equalizing force.  Either, way, this dwarf planet lives up to its name and operates through DISRUPTION, so when I say that it’s conjunct the Moon/Chiron aspect that I already discussed as dangerous to allow to just unleash, it’s not hard to see that there will be a highly provocative ERIS just daring us to do so.  This makes explosions and volatile expressions highly likely under this Station, and they won’t be easily redirected, so confrontation that’s provoked will spiral past the point we anticipate.  When we face intense situations, it would be lovely to offer the ideals of Saturn in Pisces peace, love, acceptance, and grace, but that may not be the reality when dealing with other people and it may not be possible, because Eris’ influence here refuses to allow it.  We only have control over our OWN expression of hidden emotional upsets and volatile feelings, and we can only control how we respond to the blowups and explosions of others.  Underlying issues cannot be avoided altogether, but I do suggest staying away from volatile people and known volatile situations during this Station.  There is no restraint for Eris here, and that’s the opposite of what Saturn in Pisces would advise.  Saturn’s setbacks impose limitations, and they may have Eris absolutely unhinged, so be forewarned that reactionary exploits are not the best course of action. 

Saturn Station for the Divine Dark Feminine Tier

Saturday, June 29, 2024 3:07 PM EDT

Saturn Station Retrograde opposite black Moon Lilith in Virgo

Saturn Station Retrograde has immense power to cut deep in its proximity to Lunar Perigee, which makes Saturn aligned with the closest point to Earth in Moon's orbit in an opposition to Black Moon Lilith which lies at 22 Virgo upon Saturn Station.  Oppositions to Black Moon Lilith make the opposing force untenable and overt, where Black Moon Lilith is a hidden and protected space where we carry guilt, shame, fear, and insecurity.  It’s a place where we have been mischaracterized and suffered injustices that do damage.  Saturn has spent a considerable amount of time opposite Black Moon Lilith while Lilith has undulated back and forth in Virgo, and this is nothing new, we’ve experienced this dance for a year now, while Lilith finished up being primarily in Leo and then moved into Virgo, and is now moving back and forth at the end of Virgo and beginning of Libra.  Once Black Moon Lilith is primarily in Libra we will experience more oppositions to Saturn when she dips back into Virgo, and the dance continues.  Saturn in Pisces opposite Black Moon Lilith in Virgo has been a tension of authority not seeing or overlooking or contributing to our feelings of worthlessness, of inadequacy, of failure.  Black Moon Lilith in Virgo is the perfectionist, with pure and honest intent to “do good” and then what “good” we do is rewarded by punishment with Saturn on the opposing end of the axis, grinding us under its thumb.  In Virgo/Pisces, this can entail seeing very little reward for extraordinary effort made, extreme sacrifices unnoticed and unacknowledged, intense longing for acceptance being shunned or ignored, opportunities given to those less worthy, and the detriment to self-concept that is suffered here is buried deep within, Black Moon Lilith in Virgo can admit no fault though these outside influences lay blame that isn’t hers, she internalizes it and takes it on manifesting in either deeper insecurity, guilt she should not bear, or extremely harsh and critical self-blame that can spiral into harsher treatment of others with an intensely critical nature.  

Saturn now stopping, and looking back, is at the closest point to Earth in Moon’s orbit and we have to view this through the lens of MOON because Black Moon Lilith is a calculated point in Moon’s orbit, and that’s taking place in ARIES.  There is a righteous fury of indignation that Lilith manifests here, especially given the Chiron/Eris context that I have already explained, that results in Black Moon Lilith in Virgo, if she sees manipulative patterns or her isolation/abuse clearly for what it is, ready to explode with resentment and extreme emotional reactivity…and it’s intensely justified and long overdue.  This may be a profound space of change for Black Moon Lilith, and if you have anything in the 15 to 25 degree range of Mutable (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) this underlying emotional subtext will be intense and highly impactful, but remember that Black Moon Lilith by nature is an elusive enigma buried deep within that is difficult to conceptualize with the conscious mind, so when it’s provoked with intense transits, it can be extremely overwhelming and we don’t get a clear idea as to why.  These subconscious processes, when worked through consciously, bring razor sharp clarity and dramatic change.  If you’ve got an intense Black Moon Lilith in the context of your natal chart, especially if it’s in Virgo, this may feel like a culmination you’ve been awaiting.  Saturn may be an external force or it may be our own inner restrictions, so don’t wait for external pressure if there are emotional sensitivities arising.  It may all be coming from within. We aren’t to blame for past experiences, and if they arise, they arise to be dealt with during this time.   This is an aspect that involves Saturn at Station directly, and we can view this as an opportunity to change the nature of how we perceive and respond to authority, even the unspoken authority we exert upon ourselves through guilt, shame, and lack of self-acceptance or appropriate boundaries.  We’ve done quite a bit of work in this regard with Black Moon Lilith in Virgo, and it’s not over just yet.  I use TRUE Lilith calculation rather than mean, it may be messy and back and forth through signs repeatedly, but it has accuracy for prediction and for working with Lilith as a healing modality that nice, tidy, always forward and not actually correcting for the irregularities of orbit Mean calculation does not have.  Lilith will be in and out of Virgo for the next 6 months still once she spends her primary time in Libra.

Uranus at 25 Taurus conjunct Dark Moon Lilith and opposite Asteroid Lilith in Scorpio

There is an interesting and intensifying Lilith aspect involved in this Saturn Station that will be very subtle unless you have Fixed planets or angles at 23 to 26 degrees, a narrow orb is necessary for this tension but if you’ve got it, unexpected Uranus activity may inspire extreme reactions.  This set of aspects does NOT directly involve Saturn, but may be a stimulating influence for those who are impacted by it.  Dark Moon Lilith is a hypothetical shadow body, rarely glimpsed but when tracked in transit, has a highly volatile nature when in tight orb aspect from planets that activate it.  This is not a lurking thing that’s always there waiting to be activated, it’s more an underlying influence that is very rarely shaken up but when it is, we go to extremes in response.  Dark Moon Lilith is a space where we react to threat, whether real or perceived, though a lens of lived experience that showed us where we have to engage survival instincts and we are capable of doing the unthinkable in response to situations that dredge up that trauma.  In Taurus, it has to do with physical safety or security, or avoiding scarcity in any regard.  Uranus is always a difficult activating planet for Dark Moon Lilith, because it’s a sudden shock of unexpected and unanticipated triggers that put us in this place where we are likely to lash out in highly unpredictable ways.  Uranus conjunct Dark Moon Lilith has a clear and decisive course of action, though, because this sudden and sharp potential for chaos and reactivity has an opposition that entails another part of the Lilith journey in an opposition to Asteroid Lilith on the other end of the axis in Scorpio.  

Asteroid Lilith is the only physical Lilith body, and represents the flight of Lilith to the desert, the very real setting of massive boundaries, that ensure Lilith’s peace and control over her own environment once again.  No one can mischaracterize someone who isn’t there, and who doesn’t care and is seeking their own endeavors and their own pleasures.  In Scorpio, Asteroid Lilith is an influence that has no trust for others, who uses psychological analysis and manipulation to protect her safety and security, and feels absolutely zero responsibility for the weight of burdens that others would try to place upon her, because she’s taken to her own reclusive and focused cave where she lies in wait, ready to sting should she need to.  This opposition to Uranus and Dark Moon Lilith tells us that if we’re feeling particularly raw and sensitive, it’s best to go within, stay quiet, and take space where we can to contemplate and to allow intuition to obsess our way through the issues coming at us.  This is one more aspect that advises us to take this Saturn Station seriously, to focus upon our own messes and our own issues and our own space, to affirm boundaries or to perhaps set them far stronger than ever, and to decide our response to authority asserted on our own terms.  

Saturn Station for the Divine Desire Tier

Saturday, June 29, 2024 3:07 PM EDT

Saturn Station Retrograde in Pisces opposite Juno in Virgo 

Saturn Stations Retrograde in a pretty tight opposition to Juno, asteroid of partnership and contractual obligation, in Virgo, and this is an interesting relationship aspect to consider.  Saturn, in the context of relationships and especially in regard to synastry examination, often implies some sort of commitment or obligation.  Saturn, well aspected in synastry, can be the glue that binds relationships together, solidifying them with a sense of dedication inherent to which no other planet can quite compare.  Juno in Virgo is a dedicated caretaker, the nurturer, the one who anxiously plans and performs to high levels of competence, often taking on burdens that are not ours, and experiencing burnout from doing too much with too little appreciation.  Saturn in Pisces can be a demand for sacrifice, Pisces often has a sense of martyrdom as we in Mutable Water give up parts of self in order to blend and mesh with environments or others around us, adjusting to the current.  Saturn in Pisces now comes to a standstill and looks back over sacrifice and duty, this process spawned by an exhausted Juno in Virgo, and asks if the sacrifice we make for relationships is all worth it?  Are the rewards in balance to effort made, where is the load being carried?  Is it shared, is this a partnership of equals, or has Juno taking on too much led to burnout and dissatisfaction?  This isn’t so much a call to escape duty or obligation as it is a balancing factor, where we may need to examine a different approach to balancing the needs of the spiritual (Saturn in Pisces) with the demands of the mundane (Juno in Virgo).