Sedna in Gemini From 2024 Ingress-Forward, Through Betrayal and Ascension

***Originally Published for Patrons of the Divine Flame Asteroid and Dwarf Planet Tier of my Patreon
Part One: Sedna, An Underworld Journey of Consciousness and Regeneration
The myth and magic of Sedna is a dark tale of unexpected regeneration and ascension, and this Mistress of the deepest trenches of the subconscious is a deification that arises from the coldest and darkest places upon the Earth and within the mind. To contemplate Sedna is to contemplate not only death and survival, but suffering and betrayal…and the ultimate empowerment that comes with surrender to the worst that can be experienced in order to rise once again to sovereignty. Sedna’s story is one of losing absolutely everything, and in the process, becoming an Underworld deity of profound regeneration and creation. Sedna is innocence destroyed, and power underestimated. The mythology that surrounds the name of this dwarf planet that has an almost unfathomable orbit of 11,400 years is a fitting archetype, as the Arctic is furthest from the Equator, Sedna, the Inuit Underworld Deity, spends most of her time distant from Sun, in the outer reaches…isolated and with only herself to depend upon (and to regard). Sedna is at once a creation myth and an Underworld myth, and a complex tale of human distrust, betrayal, usury, and, in the end, triumph. In an astrological context, one must understand the archetype to understand the dwarf planet, and its far reaching influence. It’s important to remember that in terms of considering this dwarf planet, this is still a fairly recent discovery, and we’re still observing, extrapolating, predicting, and revising. This is my personal interpretation and understanding of Sedna, which I see as an influence of expanding consciousness through suffering, and regeneration. Sedna is also an influence of humanity’s relationship with the Earth, in particular, Water and the sea.
Sedna is an Inuit Goddess, with the distinction of deification…she was once human, and became what she became through extraordinary circumstances. That’s an important distinction for me, this tale is woven with a thread of humanity and mortality confronted, and usurped in necessary survival. There are several different versions of the myth, as of course mythology evolves over time and from place to place, and the Intuit and Inupiat peoples thrived and STILL RESIDE in the Arctic circle in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. In some of the myths Sedna is in an arranged marriage, in some she chose this suitor against her fathers will…some of the time, there was another love whom she had to forsake, in many versions she simply did not want to marry, she was independent, and a successful huntress in her own right. In all accounts, Senda married an imposter, who became abusive and horrid after taking her away to another place to live, and another consistent trait of this abuser is that he did not provide for Sedna as promised. He left the hunt and the providing all to HER. It came to a point that Sedna needed her resentful father (in some versions, father disapproved, in some he arranged the marriage) to rescue her. Upon rescue in her father’s kayak, the tormenter of a husband revealed himself as a shapeshifter, and became a giant bird (many versions say eagle) who flapped his massive wings causing giant waves to threaten the boat. In an attempt to appease the giant spirit bird, Sedna’s father threw her overboard to her certain death. When Sedna attempted to cling to the boat for dear life, stunned by her father’s betrayal and selfishness in seeking to save himself, he cut off her fingers so she could no longer cling to the boat, and the heavy weight of Arctic clothing made from hides and sinew dragged her down to the very bottom of the coldest part of the sea. In some more gruesome retellings, her father also cut off her limbs and threw them over.
Submerged, Sedna was at the mercy of the deep, the dark, the unknown beneath…where her severed fingers (or limbs, depending upon the story) became the first sea creatures, and she grew stronger and stronger over time, healing the physical body and becoming the Goddess of the Sea, the Mistress of the Deep. Sedna became Queen of her own Underworld. All sources agree after this point that only shamans could reach her, and that it was crucial to the survival of the people to appease Sedna…Shamans on vision quests that had to traverse this Underworld of death and lost souls and danger held an immense burden. Sedna was not an influence of inherent benevolence, Sedna had known suffering, and required care and nurture. In order to appease her once they were allowed to approach, shamans would detangle her long hair to soothe her. Sedna’s hair was said to become a giant mass of tangled mess that would capture to withhold the bounty of the sea when she was angry, then the shaman had to gently detangle and soothe and talk to her about the troubles of the people so that she would once again allow the hunt to be successful, and allow the sea to give survival instead of death. Sedna was known to have a vengeful streak against those who disrespected nature or the sea. She didn’t just die and be resurrected, she didn’t just regenerate. She became Queen of the Underworld to then hold the power of life and death, of survival of the people in her hands. Storms, waves, illnesses, scarcity of the hunt, all calamity that could befall the people was the domain of Sedna, and it was important to honor her and remember her story.
Sedna is depicted often as part woman, part sea creature, and she isn’t the ridiculously sexualized “mermaid” figure that some may prefer. This is a powerful Dark Mother of the Sea, who trusts no one. How could she, after not only being betrayed by the “husband” but then also suffering the harshest and most shocking betrayal at the hands of her own father? The betrayal of Sedna is a tale not only of manipulation and degradation at the hands of the abusive husband, but of our deepest trust being obliterated in an instant. The betrayal of her father was a final sense of indignity and horror, undeserved and delivered with permanence. Sedna is severed, discarded, selfishly sacrificed…and in that moment, the process of her becoming begins. Sedna was so much more than what anyone gave her credit for in any regard, and somehow, that spark within became deified in something beyond reliance, this is an influence of profound reclamation of sovereignty. She didn’t die, she became, and she took over and took control. Sedna’s story is one of dark empowerment, and expansion of consciousness through suffering…and it begins with confronting the truth about other people. Their intentions, their motivation, who they truly are. It is only through the isolation of disconnection that she found regeneration, and that she came into her full expression of being.
In astrological regard, it is these themes of betrayal and suffering that lead through the dark and isolation to a sense of empowerment and sovereignty that I explore in a personal sense, and on a collective level, Sedna can point to issues of man vs wild and our relationship with nature, in particular, with the sea. The depths of consciousness are nowhere near defined as of yet by research and understanding, there is, simply put, an entire world surrounding the subject of “consciousness” that we do not yet have a comprehensive explanation for. Sedna’s Underworld at the bottom of the sea is also a primarily unexplored territory, about which we have more hypothesis than theory, more assumption than knowledge. There is an underlying theme in both…the expansion of consciousness/regeneration and the depth of the sea that comes from a place of confrontation with the unknown, a space we can only access once we’ve suffered the deepest betrayal or loss, after we’ve been forced to confront our most profound sense of fear, of isolation. Feelings of desperation, worthlessness, meaninglessness…these are all spaces within the Sedna journey that may arise in her descent to the bottom. The empowerment that Sedna experiences isn’t instant, it comes at the end of a long and arduous journey, building of an Underworld isn’t an instantaneous concept. We reduce it to such with the description of brevity in the retelling again and again of this tale as old as tales may be, but the immensity of this piece cannot be fathomed. Sedna regenerated and in so doing created an entirely new world, and one in which she held the ultimate power. Betrayal and all that it wrought may have been the painful and unfortunate beginning, but was nowhere near the end of her story.
Part Two: Rising From the Depths of Consciousness, the Discovery of Sedna
Sedna was discovered, unexpectedly, on November 19, 2003. The Sedna discovery chart is somewhat of a golden ticket for astrologers, as this is a dwarf planet for which we have a documented discovery time given in specificity by the person who discovered it, reflecting in an accurate chart for the moment of discovery. Sedna was first photographed on November 14, 2003 but thanks to the discovering astronomer, we have an accurate time of first actual discovery, when Sedna was SEEN on that photo days later, on November 19. According to Astrodienst, this A Rodden rated chart is verified by email logs of astronomer Mike Brown, whose fascinating also A rated natal chart also incidentally has Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the North Node all in Gemini square Moon/Pluto/Mars/Uranus in Virgo. Mike Brown is also responsible for discovery of the Kuiper belt, but was a heavy contributor to the “downgrading” of Pluto to dwarf planet status. That doesn’t entail an astrological “downgrade” as far as I am concerned, we see the evidence of Pluto in transit in powerfully personal and collective shifting ways. As such, there is much to be said, then, for the astrological validity and observation of the other dwarf planets, Ceres, Eris, Sedna, Haumea and many others. This may seem to be quite a digression in the context of the Senda ingress to Gemini, but in examining not only the discovery chart but the chart of the primary discoverer (he wasn’t alone but is the most prominently credited, heading the team), to see the connections between his own chart and the charts under which he discovered Sedna (and Eris just a month prior) is profoundly intriguing, and may bear another piece to write for another time. I’m sure this is not a novel discovery, and that others who have written far more than I have on the astrological influence of Sedna have also seen these stark correlations, but this is my first time seeing these pieces interwoven and connected. I will not be analyzing Mike Brown’s chart in depth here, but the connections between his natal and the discovery chart of Sedna and the Eclipse are important to note.
*** Astro Ethics Note: Mike Brown’s chart is posted publicly with an A rated birth time in the Astrodienst research databank, so ethically speaking, that is implied consent that his chart is available with birthtime noted.
Discovery charts for asteroids and dwarf planets provide insight and context into the nature of the celestial body and its influence upon us. This is where we can connect the archetypal mythology surrounding the newly named cosmic body with how it operates and what it means for us in regard to delineation and influence. With a time given, we see the chart angles, and know where the impact of this body will land within the context of houses, the angles being the most imperative spaces to consider. The discovery chart is important because it also gives insight into spaces that may be considered crucial points in the context of Sedna’s transit influence upon us, and that’s especially relevant now when we consider that this is the first sign change of Sedna since discovery in 2003 outside of last year’s brief ingress to Gemini. This is the first time Sedna has changed signs and will remain in a new and different sign since 1966. Many of us have lived our entire lives under the materially driven and resource amassing building of Sedna in Taurus, so we can think about this ingress to Gemini, where the focus will be upon thought, communication, learning, and social connection through the lens of what we know about this dwarf planet from the discovery chart. In the discovery chart, it’s immediately evident that Sedna was discovered close to an Eclipse, and the Eclipse chart is also imperative to understanding the greater collective implications of this dwarf planet in the far reaches that plunges us to unexpected depths of isolation, and the fight for survival.
November 19, 2003
Sedna Discovered 10:50 AM PST
Sedna at 17 Taurus conjunct North Node at 20 Taurus on chart IC
Sedna at 17 Taurus sextile Mars at 15 Pisces
Sedna at 17 Taurus trine Jupiter at 15 Virgo
Moon at 29 Virgo quincunx Uranus at 28 Aquarius
Mutable T-Square: Mars in Pisces opposite Jupiter in Virgo, both square Mercury/Pluto/Venus in Sagittarius
Boomerang YOD: Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Neptune in Aquarius both quincunx Saturn in Cancer, Saturn at 12 Cancer opposite Chiron at 14 Capricorn
Sedna at 17 Taurus conjunct North Node at 20 Taurus on chart IC
The first thing that strikes me when delving into this chart is that Sedna is conjunct the North Node in Taurus, on the IC. Sedna is a foundational experience, and one that is necessary to guide us toward greater stability, though it’s a rocky experience given that Sun in Scorpio loosely opposes Sedna, and also just crossed the South Node…which means this discovery happened close to an Eclipse. Eclipses, of course, are a pivotal point where dynamic change unfolds, fated events take place, and we experience challenges that force growth…they aren’t necessarily pleasant, they can be confrontational and provocative. The only thing certain about them is that change is imminent. Sedna (and Eris) upon discovery and observation, certainly changed our entire understanding of the outer reaches of our solar system, and the proximity of Sedna to the North Node and on the IC of the discovery chart is a point of fate and destiny, the fourth house is the house of family, home, and roots…and where we withdraw, it defines the nature of how we experience security. Sedna was all about shifting the dynamic of home and family, and through destabilizing what we can depend on to be true, creating a new and more independent way of life. This can certainly be seen in how Sedna functioned in the late 60’s, 70’s and 80’s with women transitioning into the workforce and having access to education and monetary resources outside of the context of men in greater numbers than ever.
Sedna in Taurus was in the realm of the material and the physical body, and the North Node upon this discovery suggests that within Taurus, Senda founded our sense of security in the physical and that was where we needed to establish autonomy. This is where the mythology and the archetypal nature of Sedna must be considered…because it was in the physical that Sedna was dismembered, deconstructed, and plunged into cold depths at the hands of betrayal. Sedna clung to dear life as her father sacrificed her in order to save himself, limb by limb she was torn asunder…rendered powerless. In being thrust to the deep and forsaken at the hands of her own father, Sedna faced a complete devastation of personal worth, and autonomy. Sedna took decades to begin to show us that our bodies have nothing to do with our self-worth, and to begin to establish boundaries surrounding them. As Sedna lost limbs and endured a slow and painful process of regeneration, the way we think about and use our bodies changed immensely during Sedna in Taurus.
Sedna’s fourth house placement in the discovery chart also speaks to keeping our worth hidden, projected into the culturally defined specifications of material value and of standard for the body. These concepts as pursuit of worth and value certainly characterize and align with the transit of Sedna through Taurus, and it’s rather interesting that as we are at the end of the transit through Taurus, after Sedna was trine Pluto in Capricorn for ever so long as Pluto spent several years in the last five degrees of the sign back and forth, we’ve begun to reconstruct what these things mean…what is GOOD for the body, what constitutes health, separation appearance and “attraction” from worth, and questioning the systems of “wealth” that the collective is built upon and how we got here. Senda and the North Node are on the IC, and that places the South Node on the Midheaven, near the top of the chart, with Scorpio Sun also in the 10th house, projecting the depths of our own personal abyss out into the visible realm, at the height of experience. The uncomfortable insecurities that we experience within our own personal abyss cannot be worked through without coming to the surface, under the transformative process of Scorpio, where this side of the axis forced transformation through the South Node process of acknowledging deepest fears. Sedna in Taurus with this late degree Scorpio Sun near the Midheaven guided us to be ok talking about these things, and dealing with them out in the open. When we confront the taboo for all the world to see, it loses its ultimate power and it hold upon us, and then shared experience becomes affirming rather than hiding it in the darkest corners of consciousness. It’s also important to remember that this discovery taking place with the Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio is a place we just revisited recently. This is the same Eclipse axis that we just finished from the end of 2021 to 2024, so any parallel repeat lessons between this period of time when Sedna was discovered and the past couple of years may entail profound revelations if any of these celestial events occurred within tight aspect to anything within the context of your own personal natal chart. Lessons here that Sedna was experiencing were prominent during the recent transit of the Nodes here, and you can see more about these patterns by looking at 2021 to 2023 (keep in mind that the final Eclipse on this axis was after the Nodes shifted in 2023) in your own chart.
As we finish up this transit under which Sedna was discovered, and in which it’s been transiting for the entire lifetime of people born after 1965, it’s imperative to continue to think about how these themes integrate, the Taurus emphasis upon the material and the body as reflections of self-worth, and what happens to us as they decline, or are lost, or what happens when we feel “betrayed” by them. This is poignant in particular for the Chiron in Taurus generation born between 1977 and 1984, and will be a profound experience to confront during the Chiron Return period for this generation, which will occur between 2027 and 2033. We are moving from a space of the body as a foundational sense of security to harnessing the power of the mind in Gemini as Sedna changes signs…and from a place where change is slow and incremental and we resist it to one where we are called instead to embrace it, to flourish within it. Moon at 29 Virgo in this discovery chart is one of full spectrum learning and analysis, the prowess of planning and precision, and it sextiles Uranus, planet of disruption and awakening, at 28 Aquarius, and Aquarius is often the sign associated with astrology, while Uranus is the planet of discovery and innovation. Uranus often plays a powerful role in the charts of discovery of celestial bodies, so it’s no surprise to see such an interesting and unique sense of tension here, as it took time to discern exactly WHAT they were looking at, that Sedna was, indeed, a dwarf planet, and to define what that even actually meant at the time.
Mutable T-Square: Mars in Pisces opposite Jupiter in Virgo, both square Mercury/Pluto/Venus in Sagittarius
One of the most powerful aspect patterns in the discovery chart is a rather intense Mutable T-square. Sedna was sextile Mars at 15 Pisces in the discovery chart, which was in a partile opposition to Jupiter in Virgo that trined Sedna, giving us motivation toward passive gains as Mars in Pisces is hesitant and cautious while Jupiter in detriment in Virgo is analytical and pragmatic, an anxious teacher…but this opposition also comes with a trainwreck of a conjunction with Mercury in detriment, Venus, and Pluto in Sagittarius in a span of 9 degrees that squares both Mars and Jupiter on each end for an exceedingly loud and abrasive Mutable T-Square. Dogmatic Mercury in Sagittarius meets the freedom seeking of Venus with the grasp of control of Pluto here, shouting over sensitive Mars in Pisces, and disagreeing vehemently with ruler of Sagittarius Jupiter in Virgo, a challenge that may lead to inaction in favor of escapism when overwhelming situations arise. We leave behind belief systems on a whim, without embracing anything of merit, nothing sustainable. This is an untethered yearning for belief and finding nothing but empty and shallow paths down which to stumble. Mars, the planet of action and drive in sensitive Pisces opposite Jupiter while Jupiter rules the sign in which Mars resides applies enormous pressure for Mars in Pisces to perform, and speaks to being unable to live up to the standards that we’ve set, whether for ourselves or by others. This is a Jupiter in detriment, so the advice Mars is given may be unhinged and unrealistic, and that’s the last thing that Mars in Pisces needs. The T-square from Mercury/Venus/Pluto is like a stellium of doom and gloom that descends from a deceptively optimistic sign, perhaps this is toxic positivity leading Mars in Pisces to folly and trust placed where it doesn’t belong. We keep trying, keep reaching, wanting to establish trust and allowing ourselves to be blinded by empty promises that glimmer, horizons so distant that whether or not they actually exist doesn’t matter. In an archetypal sense, this can be perceived as an underlying influence that leads Sedna in Taurus, in this precarious position upon the North Node, to entertain both insecurity and self-blame for all transgressions while Pluto in Sagittarius dominates Mercury and Venus and eschews responsibility, with Jupiter in Virgo, in detriment, magnifying the demand for accountability of Mars in Pisces, while all parties are disinclined to take responsibility. Sedna in the stable, steady, dependable sign Taurus bears the brunt of it all, conjunct the North Node, just following the path.
Pluto in Sagittarius unearthed the dark side of belief systems and dogma, the subversive control of belief and in the discovery chart and in this t-square, Sedna in Taurus was tightly quincunx Pluto while the North Node was tightly quincunx Venus, suggesting feelings of betrayal at the behest of what others believe, with no resolution nor understanding possible. This complex system of aspects entails a requisite submission and surrender to control regarding not our own beliefs, but those to which we are subjected. The Sedna experience is always one of imposed circumstances…she didn’t deserve to be thrown to the cold depths of the Underworld, she wasn’t seeking to rule it. This is not a story of conquest so much as rising above events that we cannot control, in spite of them…and in the discovery chart, this T-square with the tense aspects in quincunx to Sedna but supportive aspects from Mars and Jupiter suggest that redefining our personal power beginning with belief in Mars in Pisces adjusting to the tide that ebbs and flows can help to establish a better laid plan with Jupiter in Taurus. The key here is flexibility in this heavily Mutable chart, and flexibility does not come naturally for Taurus, so Sedna’s challenges here are significant. Two planets involved in this system of aspects that are interrelated are planets in detriment: Mercury in Sagittarius, and Jupiter in Virgo, indicating that the control to which Sedna may be subjected in these tensions is unfounded, ill informed, out of its league and in a place where it’s uncomfortable, making poor choices or is otherwise impulsive. That spirals into loss of control, and what happens when control is lost and control is what is sought? The grip tightens.
Boomerang YOD: Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Neptune in Aquarius both quincunx Saturn in Cancer, Saturn at 12 Cancer opposite Chiron at 14 Capricorn
(Mercury close to Lunar Perigee, opposite Black Moon Lilith at 11 Gemini)
A Yod, or Finger of God aspect pattern, is composed (in tight orb) of a sextile base between two planets that each make a quincunx aspect to a third planet. A Boomerang Yod is a Yod that has an additional planet opposite the apex planet, a release point that complicates the nature of how the Yod manifests. Some astrologers require that the apex planet be the fastest moving planet of the aspect pattern. I used to subscribe to that theory, but at this point in my work I do not hold that requirement for Yods any longer as in my experience, the Yod manifests according to how it evolves and plays out in transit as planets move. There will be a unique interpretation colored by how the Yod separates. A Yod is a point in time where there is an uncomfortable and necessary adjustment brought to consciousness, something unavoidable, but we may be powerless to do anything or may fail to see a resolution in our midst. It’s an aspect pattern of fate and destiny, there is something we must work to resolve according to however it impacts the natal chart. The Yod that was active during the discovery of Sedna was not just a Yod, it was a Boomerang Yod, with a Saturn/Chiron separating but still in tight enough orb for me to consider, with Saturn Retrograde in detriment in Cancer as the apex of the Yod. Saturn is the planet of the paternal, and in the mythology, we know that the father of Sedna was a hidden enemy…it’s incredibly intriguing that the Chiron here, the Boomerang planet, is in the 12th house which is the house of hidden enemies, opposite the father Saturn in Cancer from whom Sedna would suffer her deepest wound and the source of betrayal.
The base that forms this Yod is a sextile between Mercury in detriment in impulsive Sagittarius and Neptune, which can be considered the nature of the sea into which Sedna was cast, in cerebrally driven Aquarius, this Fire/Air sextile is one of thinking before we speak and acting before we consider consequences. Sensitive Saturn in Cancer is reacting emotionally as the apex, off the deep end. Mercury is also applying to that conjunction with Pluto and is tied into the tension of the T-square, so we cannot consider Mercury to be operating unaffected and of its own accord, it’s influenced by the extreme circumstances that surround it, while in detriment, and the confusion of Neptune in Aquarius in the sextile may obscure options or be tunnel-visioned into all the wrong things. When Saturn in Cancer acts from a place of emotional instability, the resulting Chiron wound in the Boomerang on the other side of the axis cannot see the good natured intent of Mercury in Sagittarius nor the pragmatic solutions suggested by Neptune in Aquarius, and the response is to shut down, go cold, and overcompensate with rigidity while Saturn in Cancer, where Saturn is opposing Chiron residing in Saturn’s sign of rulership, feels unduly attacked and overwhelmed and this Boomerang Yod becomes a feedback loop that contains, once again, two planets in detriment. Decisions here are made sharply, and without regard for consequences. This is a Boomerang Yod of sudden disconnection, and that can certainly be applied to the underlying mythology of Sedna and what she endured at the hands of her father.
Cancer is the sign of home and family, and our principles and ethics in this regard are shattered by the challenge from scattered Mercury in Sagittarius sextile the rebellion and disinhibition of Neptune in Aquarius, a confusing and perplexing state for Saturn in Cancer, where family and roots are the priority, but the call of the avant garde and of freedom is compelling and demanding. Mercury would rather give up and scamper off. This theme can be seen in the archetypal story of Sedna, who wanted desperately to lead her own life, found a husband who wasn’t what he seemed, and when her father came to “rescue” her, the intensity of danger in the sea led him to make her the sacrifice to ensure his own safety. Neptune in Aquarius is an electric sea that immerses us in fascination of Aquarian thought without the trouble of feeling, and Saturn in Cancer is a deep experience of overwhelming feeling, and the two do not find connection. Mercury in Sagittarius is disconcerting to Saturn in Cancer, spiking insecurity and concern.
The opposition between Saturn and Chiron is interesting here of its own accord, as Sedna in Taurus entails a chart that brings issues surrounding worth and value to the surface, and we saw this play out with women entering the workforce after Sedna’s 1966 ingress, changing the dynamic of family structures immensely. The expectation of home and family was not shared, but persistently belonged to women regardless of their material contribution to the home, emphasizing this Saturn in Cancer opposition to Chiron in Capricorn. When we consider this Yod described in the discovery chart with Neptune seeking freedom of expression in Aquarius and Mercury in Sagittarius requiring new horizons and freedom to pursue our own goals, with Saturn expected to pick up the slack in Cancer but resentful of the additional emotional burden and duty, we see how Chiron in Capricorn rigidly held to the old system, and fought tooth and nail for the status quo.
When Sedna was discovered, Neptune was in the sign of Aquarius where the depths of Aquarius are uncomfortable for Sedna in Taurus, which squares the sign of Neptune. Sedna in Taurus in this discovery chart is at 17 degrees, a wide square to both Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius, and will have to eradicate her comfort zone in order to become the Queen of this eccentric and intellectual Underworld. I think we saw that in the progression of Sedna through Taurus since discovery, in that we’ve had to confront many false perceptions and beliefs surrounding the body and how it works, how we nurture and care for it, what we feed it…and in regard to the material world, we’re certainly at a crossroads surrounding anything regarding wealth, resources, and sustainability. In these areas, Sedna in Taurus has now experienced the necessary isolation required to learn the survival lessons that we can only learn when we have nowhere else to go, and nothing but ourselves on which to depend. Trust and belief in what we thought we knew about these things has been eradicated, through loss or betrayal and changing conditions that leave us in the dark, and sinking to the bottom. What Sedna did not resolve will perhaps be picked up by Chiron in Taurus in the years to come (and this entails the reckoning of the healthcare crisis in America and the hidden issues of other nations with centralized health care coming to light) as we navigate the lasting wounds in this area of our chart and in the collective where the fallout from Sedna remains unhealed.
Total Solar Eclipse at 1 Sagittarius: Sedna Rises to the Glaring Surface
This Solar Eclipse can be considered in the context particularly of the Sedna discovery, but was, in the big picture, a powerful shift during a time when dwarf planets in a broad context were a prominent area of discovery and excitement. I’ve calculated the chart here to reflect Sedna’s discovery and “birthplace” and it’s interesting that the Eclipse where Sedna was discovered for the first time 4 days earlier has a 0 degree Taurus ascendant, placing Sedna within the first house of emerging SELF. The Eclipse happened at 1 Sagittarius while Black Moon Lilith or Lunar Apogee was exactly opposite at 1 Gemini, with Sedna on the South Node. That means the Eclipse happened as close to us in the Moon's orbit as it can, Moon was at the closest point to Earth, and this was a TOTAL Solar Eclipse. 1 Sagittarius is a collective shift in the Eclipse pattern, looking toward the past Eclipse pattern as the Nodes “move” backward through the Zodiac in calculation, this isn’t the next sign, it’s the previous one…but it’s sharing a sign now with what I called the stellium of doom with Mercury, Pluto, and Venus all in Sagittarius that are entangled in the T-square with Mars and Jupiter. Post-discovery, what’s happened to that T-square? Though Mars and Jupiter are now slightly separating, Mercury has closed in and this T-square is even tighter under this Eclipse than it was when Sedna suddenly appeared. This Eclipse was the driving force that resurrected Sedna from the depths of her Underworld, and brought this influence to the surface, exposing it to consciousness of study and observation.
In analyzing Eclipses on a collective level, I wouldn’t typically look at angles or houses, as those are calculated depending upon where you are in the world. In this analysis, however, I’m targeting the Sedna discovery, which has a specific place to set the chart. The T-square resides with Mars in the 11th house of the collective, Jupiter in the 5th house of creativity and children, and Mercury/Pluto/Venus in the 8th house of intimacy and death. Creative solutions with pragmatic Jupiter in the 5th are obstructed by pacifist Mars in Pisces carrying guilt surrounding decisions made for our own benefit, and the pressure of a Pluto driven process in a Sagittarius 8th house, the answer seems to be to leave, suddenly, shift into escapism and the Mars/Jupiter tension is unresolved, leaving a trail of issues that remain behind us to be ignored or unacknowledged. This speaks to a pattern of continually trying something new and different, not giving it time to work or manifest results before giving up, Mars in Pisces surrenders and the pattern persists. Jupiter in Virgo is impatient and in detriment, so Mars is reacting to constantly shifting expectations that are uncharacteristically rigid for Virgo, thanks to the Pluto influence that is imposing upon communication with Mercury moving closer to exact conjunction with Pluto. Mercury is the key here, because Mercury is now exactly quincunx Sedna. Under discovery, Sedna was quincunx Pluto. Now Mercury has moved in, and this influence was revelatory, where Sedna was under study and scrutiny in preparation to be shared with the world. This quincunx between Sedna and Mercury in detriment in Sagittarius can be considered a lack of acceptance, or inherent questioning of Sedna’s validity, and we saw this play out both in terms of the astronomical classification and the astrological influence proposed.
Uranus, the planet of awakening, and astrology, that was quincunx that Virgo Moon in the discovery chart, resides with Mars in the 11th house, an influence of shocking and rocking the collective with the discovery of Sedna, while Neptune, the electric sea in Aquarius, is in the 10th house, most visible and giving up it’s secrets under the Eclipse. Neptune in Aquarius is an intriguing position here, the sea of dwarf planets and expansion of our understanding of cosmic bodies falls here and with Uranus, scientific advancement and innovation are highly Aquarian events, and where Sedna was discovered this is how Mars and Uranus were poised to influence the collective and what we’re putting out into the world. The T-square to Mars made the process tricky, and there were issues to navigate, but Sedna steady on a long and arduous journey through Taurus in that first house with the North Node was on a path of influence that would not be deterred.
This chart also places the Saturn/Chiron separating opposition close to the IC/MH axis, though Saturn isn’t conjunct, Chiron is approaching the Midheaven and considering the discovery chart, this continues to emphasize importance of the axis of home family/work and private life/public life in both the Eclipse and the discovery chart as to illustrate how the nature of Sedna functions. These are the things we don’t talk about until we suffer through them silently, and eventually they are forced into consciousness and into the open whether we are ready for them or not. Saturn resides, however, in the third house and Chiron in the 9th, these tensions are an expression of wounds and healing process that involves communication or written expression while Chiron in Capricorn must work through rigidity by seeking necessary education, the discovery chart said we have to talk about these things and get them out in the open, Sedna was conjunct that secretive IC in the discovery chart but this Eclipse placed Saturn/Chiron here, suggesting that the way to resolve the Yod is to heal the HOME, first and foremost, even if that requires redefining what we think of as HOME. As consciousness surrounding the nature and structure of HOME shifted with Sedna’s journey of redefining the value of the material and the body and changed how we must pursue resources, so did the challenges and the emotional struggles within the context of home. With Saturn in Cancer in the third house processing the Chiron in Capricorn wounds here, It’s through the talking or learning or writing that we come to terms with the emotional impact of the wounds and the betrayals of that 12th house Chiron in the discovery chart, exposing Chiron to the light of day with earned knowledge and experience as Chiron in the Eclipse chart approaches the Midheaven.
For those who are intermediate learning level astro enthusiasts, here I am going to include a quad wheel that shows, from center out, Sedna’s discovery, the Total Solar Eclipse that thrust Sedna from the deep out into consciousness, Astronomer Mike Brown’s chart, and the Sedna Gemini ingress. I could literally write a 200 page book about the connections between these charts, but that’s not the primary focus of my work, it will suffice to say that Mike Brown was born with Sedna very near the end of Aries, and his chart is profoundly connected to both Sedna and Eris, and notice his Gemini and Virgo stelliums and Sagittarius South Node and how his Neptune was influenced by the South Node upon discovery. Of special interest, note his Saturn at 16 Pisces, and that the Gemini ingress is happening upon his second Saturn Return. Will he have further epiphanies and insights regarding Sedna in the next year, or further big announcements regarding his work with dwarf planets? He is still very much an obsessive and avid research scientist at the forefront in this field of study. I will not analyze his chart from a perspective that discusses HIM, though I’m absolutely fascinated by it, because that extends beyond my own personal ethical use of astrology. I will share his chart because it’s already public, but I will not dissect it. Plenty of astrologers do, and that’s perfectly fine.
I could expound upon these charts for hours, but I think I’ve said enough here, those who can see and understand the patterns can see upon a glance at this quadwheel. As I delve into the Sedna ingress to Gemini, I will be focusing completely upon the ingress chart in it’s OWN context, referencing the discovery chart and the Eclipse chart as little as possible, because it’s time to look toward the future, now that I’ve told the story of the past. The story of Sedna is one of not being bound to nor bound by the past, and I think as Sedna enters the sign of relentless curiosity and intellectual exploration that the chart be allowed to speak for itself.
Part Three: Senda Ingress to Gemini 2024-Plunge Into Depth of Consciousness
Sedna enters Gemini
Saturday, April 27, 2024 11:10 AM EDT, 8:30 AM PDT
Sedna at 0 Gemini
Pluto at 2 Aquarius sextile Sedna at 0 Gemini
Sagittarius Moon trine Mercury/North Node and Chiron in Aries
Sagittarius Moon square Saturn in Pisces
Mercury conjunct the North Node in Aries
Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces, out of sign sextile to Sedna at 0 Gemini
Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus
The transition from Taurus to Gemini, from Fixed Earth to Mutable Air is one of the most exhilarating, and sometimes terrifying, transitions within the Zodiac. 29 Taurus is as entrenched in it’s own course and plans and path as it can get, affirmed and awaiting future culmination and reward for its dedication and persistence, and then the threshold into Gemini hits like going over the the top of a roller coaster hill, and suddenly instead of slow, intentional movement it’s breakneck speed and the thrill of anything new and shiny, with twists and turns of fascination. Taurus is a one track ride, that operates according to will and weighed decision, while Gemini diverges off into every possible space we can chase exploration, unconcerned with where it may go next. Taurus is the sign of the body, and of values and resources while Gemini is the sign of the mind and all that comes with it…thought, learning, and communication. Sedna spent 61 years in the slow and steady and deliberate sign of Taurus, and this awakening unto the excitement and relentless curiosity of Gemini will last from now until 2067 (with dips back and forth between Gemini and Cancer from 2065 to 2067). We will explore this archetypal influence of necessary isolation and expansion of consciousness through suffering and betrayal until that time. Sedna will reach the closest point to Earth in its astonishing 11,000 year plus widely elliptical orbit on July 18, 2076 which places Sedna at 7 Cancer.
Sedna provokes experiences of betrayal of trust, and isolation. We’re surrounded by cold and shocking depths into which we’re plunged, and in order to ascend to a point of sovereignty and command of our own Underworld, there is an experience of regeneration, of coming to terms with whatever brought us here. That is a deeply personal journey that is reflected within the story of Sedna in the natal chart, but in a general sense for purposes of discussion in regard to the collective, this shift into Gemini is a new space of mental prowess for Sedna that is hard earned after a period of being silenced, ignored, or invalidated. As Sedna rides this roller coaster that entails sudden twists and turns and learns to navigate in the moment without planning and without a safety net, in isolation Sedna learns to harness the power of the mind. In Mercurial Gemini, this requires changing the pattern of thought that we cling to, and inspires challenges that demand flexibility where we once were rigid. Communication is at the center for Sedna in Gemini, and issues may arise from feeling misunderstood, from miscommunication, or from feeling mischaracterized. Our sense of self-worth is no longer impacted as it was under Sedna in Taurus, but instead confidence in our intellectual capabilities may be damaged, and this will be intensely evident as debate occurs amongst generational dividing lines. Sedna in Gemini is an experience of forsaken youth, struggling not to succumb to the inherent control of previous generations, and Sedna is here to debate and argue and provide alternatives to the problems and issues that we face from a place of new and different thought, with realigned priorities that do not engage the concerns of those with the upper hand.
Sedna reveals the darkness and entrapment inherent in the things that we trust, and in Gemini, it will be tearing apart social structures and challenging how we connect. While the speed of communication may have increased with the advent of the internet, it’s time to look at how this has changed the nature of how humans relate. While we’re at a point where information is constantly accessible at unprecedented levels to everyone within the palm of their hand, literally phones in pockets that contain access to our entire body of knowledge, what are people using this for, and how has the flow of information been censored, suppressed, manipulated, twisted? Are we actually becoming smarter, or are we declining in cognitive processing and capability due to what we spend our time feeding our brains? These are areas in which Sedna may have quite a bit to reveal. Sedna in Taurus being trines by Pluto in Capricorn showed us the betrayal of underlying structures of government and within the material world, now it’s time for Sedna in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius to acquaint us with consciously observing the dark side of modern technology and all of its ramifications. I said this last year in my initial predictions regarding Sedna in Gemini on this subject, and I still stand by what I said regarding AI and we’ve begun to see that as this process has begun:
“Sedna is now blasting forward into Gemini, the sign of learning, information, and communication…and also twins and siblings. Gemini is an energy that can be chaotic and seeks out new and different experiences, so get ready for the social dynamic to change, and the way that we communicate to be redefined. I am already seeing a lot of chatter conflating Sedna moving into Gemini with the things that will be influenced by Pluto in Aquarius, so I want to be clear here that it’s Aquarius that rules technology, which may be having an impact on the Sedna shift into this place where communication and information will be highlighted, but we cannot specifically pinpoint that Sedna is going to entail AI and implants for communication and things of that nature. To jump to those assumptions is baseless. Pluto still has to unearth the truth about technology and AI, and it is my opinion that Pluto is going to reveal it’s not as far along as it’s purported to be, and it’s really nowhere near as big of a deal as people think that it is…the issues are in people, technology only does what people tell it to do and the collective understanding of technology is actually quite poor.”
Mercury ruled Gemini is also the sign of the mind, and part of the exploration of Sedna is the depths of consciousness that surround us within the sea into which Sedna was cast, forsaken and isolated. Sedna, unbeknownst to anyone, was far from gone…Sedna was regenerating, a process of BECOMING. This is a word that resonates strongly for me with both Sedna and dwarf planet Haumea. I think that the transit of Sedna in the sign of Gemini, the mind, will unlock the mysteries of consciousness in regard to studying what I consider to be the greatest asset and power that humans have…our brains. Research in areas that seek to further understand neurodivergence in all of its possibilities and etiologies can grow by leaps and bounds during this time, and discoveries regarding neurochemistry and connections within other areas of the body will be important as well. Humans are changing and evolving, and the brain is the place to unlock if we want to understand it. As Sedna is an influence that transforms consciousness, what better sign under which to dive to the bottom of its mysteries with Gemini curiosity and fascination? Understanding what IS consciousness, and what IS the soul are areas of exploration during this time, and Sedna in Gemini, once we learn that nothing we thought we knew was anything that we could trust, is wide-open to new understanding and perception under Mutable Air.
The ingress chart for Sedna entering Gemini now for the long haul is an important point in the cycle to examine, this chart gives us insight and direction as to how this transit is going to impact us on a collective level, especially when we consider Sedna’s upcoming contact over the next few years by aspect with other outer planets and dwarf planets, and how inner planets aspect Sedna in transit and impact us all on a personal level according to how these influences work within the context of our own, individual natal charts. I have set this ingress chart to the specific location of Sedna’s discovery (by a team headed by Mike Brown, Caltech astronomer), so when angles are considered, these are the angles and houses for the discovery chart, which can be thought of as Sedna’s “birth chart.”
Sedna at 0 Gemini, 12th house
Pluto at 2 Aquarius trine Sedna at 0 Gemini
Sedna awakens in the open minded, communication and information driven sign of Gemini in the 12th house of this chart that has an Ascendant of 13 Gemini, Sedna will not cross the Ascendant point of this ingress chart for about 20 years, as Senda moves at about 1 degree every 2 years while in Gemini. Until then, Sedna is operating in the shadows, and in subversive ways. The opening of consciousness is a process that happens within, and we aren’t out with it, this is a clandestine gathering of like minds that will eventually take a stand. This is a Sedna that keenly observes in the background, a subconsciously driven Sedna that tends toward immersion in a multitude of areas of interest but makes an effort to avoid confrontation. The pressure of Pluto in Aquarius to restructure is intense as Pluto trines Senda with revelations and reality checks from Aquarius in the 9th house of Sedna’s chart. Pluto is bringing to light the darkness in the house of higher learning and new, expanded horizons, where Pluto will be restructuring beliefs in accordance with whatever Sedna experienced in Taurus. We no longer trust money, we no longer trust the body and all systems inherently connected. Sedna in Gemini will see new social structures and hierarchies form that align with a need for like minded connection that feels like something we can trust, and the way that we connect with other people is shifting. Will this mean more engagement at a distance, interfacing via technology, or are we going to seek a return to face to face interaction, turning away from technology? Pluto in the 9th house certainly seems poised to work with Sedna in Gemini, where information is free and accessible, to topple the existing system and structure of formal higher education. Will those expensive pieces of paper retain the value assigned to them in coming years or will they collect dust hanging on the wall, becoming meaningless as we embrace a new and different set of criteria that demonstrates capability, learning, and qualification of expertise? These are the issues at hand that I see in the immediate for Sedna ingress to Gemini with Pluto in this trine, Sedna in the 12th house being frustrated that knowledge amassed does not garner any movement or credibility, and Pluto doesn't demand that the existing structure of the 9th house remain intact, it will come in like a wrecking ball over the next few years as it continues to be in a back and forth ongoing trine with Sedna. The dark side of technology and how we use it and information and how we acquire it are going to be the pivotal moments in the early years of Sedna’s transit through Gemini, and these things are already beginning to stir within the collective…as Sedna endures the process of isolation that is required for deeper consciousness of these ideas to take hold, we will see them begin to become more prevalent.
Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces, out of sign sextile to Sedna at 0 Gemini
Special Note on Saturn at 16 Pisces
Mars is making the final conjunction that it will make to Neptune in the sign of Pisces under this transit of Neptune, which symbolizes the sea into which Sedna is forsaken, and though it’s dreamy and languid in Pisces, with the presence of Mars, the planet of action and drive (and WAR) here at the end of the sign, this vast ocean of intuition and dreams is deceptive, the surface may be pretty but underneath there is turmoil and patterns of avoidance to break. Mars in Pisces is the pacifist, avoiding confrontation when possible, and in this conjunction to Neptune though artistic endeavors are favored and it gives us a powerful intuitive edge, this is not a peaceful union, Mars and Neptune are conjunct in an intercepted 10th house ruled by Aquarius, where Pluto holds sway in the 9th preceding. Pisces does not rule a house in this ingress chart, and this may make Sedna’s response to this disconcerting Piscean influence even more avoidant. Mars and Neptune in conjunction forms an out of sign sextile to Sedna upon ingress, and Mars will move into Aries making an exact sextile to Sedna in Gemini on Tuesday, April 30, but until then, Mars and Neptune at time of ingress make this sea into which Sedna in Gemini is thrust more volatile and less forgiving. When we consider that this conjunction would typically be thought of as inspirational and belief affirming, in the context of this chart, it’s uncomfortable and lends a sense of misperception…Sedna in Gemini is intellectually driven and isn’t guided by the deep feeling Waters of Pisces surrounding, with Neptune conjunct a hesitant Mars that may be looking back toward Saturn earlier in Pisces with regret. Saturn is at a hidden place of prominence here, because in the Sedna “birth chart” and under the Total Solar Eclipse that she was discovered under, MARS is at 15-17 Pisces, so Saturn in that exact place for this ingress may entail a reckoning for Sedna in regard to Mars, which was involved in difficult aspect patterns in the discovery chart. Saturn was involved in a separate and distinct rare aspect pattern called a Boomerang Yod in that chart that I covered as well.
Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus, in 12th house with Sedna
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that I’ve written about extensively is still in orb at the time of this ingress, and we’re shocked awake with sudden epiphany and instability that requires change in order to harness our growth potential. This conjunction is powerful, and has a lasting impact as a pivotal point in the context of planetary cycles, happening every 14 years or so. This conjunction has a far reach of orb, and until the ingress, Sedna was close enough to be considered loosely conjunct this aspect of rebellion and awakening. Sedna’s 12th house placement in the ingress chart means that we may not “see” the manifestation of the new ideas and the bright motivation of Sedna now in this rapid pace Mutable Air sign for quite some time, but the rebelliousness with which Uranus is operating here and the supportive confidence of Jupiter in Taurus gives this Taurus ruled 12th house, the sign Sedna just left behind, a grounded sense of determination and revolution that Senda in Gemini can draw from in navigating the darker and more difficult issues that come within the 12th house. This is a space where though uncertainty may be provocative, instinct guides toward the right place, right time, right connections, even if it does not seem as such. Dream analysis can be a profound experience here within the 12th house, and especially considering the Mars/Neptune conjunction sitting at the top of the chart with Saturn in Pisces, Mars/Neptune is loosely sextile Jupiter/Uranus, new insight and information as to what happens to the brain during dreamtime may be inspired under this transit, and could have implications for our understanding of the aging process as well (Saturn being where Mars was in the Sedna discovery chart, with Mars now conjunct Neptune, and Sedna with Jupiter/Uranus hovering in that 12th house upon ingress).
***Addendum 5/14/2024: It’s intensely intriguing to me that as Sun has now moved closer to the separating Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, we’ve experienced not only a much more intense surge in already heightened Solar activity, but we had a collective experience of profound and awe inspiring up close and personal viewing of the Northern Lights in areas where the Aurora does not typically dance and glow, especially not to the naked eye. In the culture from which this archetype of survival is derived, it’s the Aurora above dancing with the souls who have gone before us, and Sedna below, in her dark, cold embrace. The Aurora is to be respected, and some would even say feared. It was mesmerizing and fascinating to behold, and I think that this collective experience and shift was inspired by not only the influence of Sun on Jupiter/Uranus, but of Sedna entering Gemini, the sign of communication, where we’re experiencing things many have never experienced before, symbols and signs that connect us even deeper into the context of this myth and archetype. Sedna may inspire us here to trace our roots to before-times, past what we think we know about our own personal histories, and ancestor work may be calling intensely to many during this time. DNA analysis can certainly tell us with far deeper insight where we come from than ever before, and this is something that is readily available. I think that part of the mission of Sedna in Gemini will be further advances in our understanding of DNA and using genetic information in the context of healing and personal evolution.
Mercury conjunct the North Node in Aries
Sagittarius Moon trine Mercury/North Node and Chiron in Aries
Sagittarius Moon square Saturn in Pisces
Moon is the emotional underbelly of the ingress here, with Moon being in the sign that completes the opposite side of the axis, Sagittarius, Mutable FIRE. Sagittarius Moon is passionate and optimistic, the wandering wanderer and the archer that always aims high. Where Gemini absorbs information, Sagittarius is wisdom and knowledge. Moon is at 19 Sagittarius, a point which touches upon the Venus/Pluto conjunction within Sedna’s discovery chart. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and Sagittarius by Juptier, where we expand upon the information and impression and perception of Gemini and turn those ideas into philosophies and cohesive beliefs. Gemini is what we know, Sagittarius is what we believe. In this 2024 final ingress chart, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is separating but still conjunct the North Node in Aries, and this is a place of intense motivation and instinctual drive, as we just experienced a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries, under a Mercury Retrograde, and Mercury is now beginning to walk back through the degrees it traversed in it’s backward trek through Cardinal Fire. Mercury, ruler of Gemini on the North Node at the time of ingress is powerful for Sedna as she begins her journey through Gemini, and we can expect communication and the power of the mind to be at the forefront of experience. Sagittarius Moon trine Mercury, the North Node, and Chiron in Aries indicates that the journey of Sedna will entail a complex, big picture emotional perspective that must be hard earned with experience. It will not be enough to just absorb and regurgitate information, we have to know what to actually DO with it. This is the great weeding out of amateur opinion and a demand for the credibility of knowledge and wisdom that has been hard earned as opposed to what we think about what other people know. Chiron’s journey takes us from wound to shaman in the process, not unlike Sedna’s archetypal sense of empowerment through pain and betrayal.
The difference between thinking and knowing may be a tricky dividing line to navigate under this ingress, and the betrayal of Sedna in Gemini comes in the form of information and communication befalling us. Whether that means systems are poised to fall (higher education in crisis is something I’ve been foreshadowing for quite awhile with Sedna in Gemini). It will not be enough to LEARN, and it’s crucial to be mindful about who we’re allowing to be teachers, leaders, guides. Sedna in Gemini will lead us to question everything, especially authority, and credibility. The pontificating idiot is a sad Sagittarian trope that will be deftly outwitted by the intellect of Sedna in Gemini, with Mercury on the North Node trine Sagittarius Moon, revealing the fools among us rather easily. Gemini loves nothing more than to absorb new information and expand our worldview, but when what we encounter falls short, words become weaponized and Sedna in Gemini will hold fools accountable, thanks to Sagittarius Moon square Saturn in Pisces, where belief must be restructured and well founded, or it falls apart. Saturn may be thought of as the “father” principle, and Sedna certainly has an archetypal complicated relationship with her father…it will be interesting to see what happens later in the transit as Sedna and Saturn interact by aspect once Saturn moves into domineering Aries in 2025. For now, delusion must be countered, and there may be profound awakenings as to where we’ve been deceiving ourselves with this Mars/Neptune conjunction and Saturn grinding on the place where Mars resides in the discovery chart.
Sedna in Gemini, as we explore the Underworld surrounding thinking, learning, and communication can create massive social change as people are disinclined to assimilate to the group, and divergent thinking that arises from a natural instinct to debate and argue social constructs, and this is something we will see later in this long transit that’s just getting started. Sedna’s story is one of a grand becoming, and empowerment that comes through isolation. Given that Pluto is also currently in Aquarius, and in aspect to Sedna for a couple more years as Pluto moves back and forth in the first few degrees of the sign of the sign of the collective and humanity, this isolation may be a profound sense of no longer feeling a sense of belonging where we once did. Disconnection and dissatisfaction and dissonance within social circles may arise, and that’s telling us it’s time to go our own way, and explore different horizons. Sedna in Gemini is not only up for the debate, but exhilarated in the execution of it and the wielding of the mind. We come out the other side, eventually, with a redefined learning structure once we’ve confronted the dark side of what we think we already know, and realize that we know nothing…which begins the building of this new Underworld, in Mutable Water, with Neptune conjunct Mars and Saturn conjunct the degree of Sedna’s Mars upon discovery.
I cover Sedna (along with other dwarf planets and asteroids) on the Divine Flame Asteroid Tier of my Patreon, for those interested in further transit observation. This is a fascinating time for astrologers as we get an up close and personal opportunity to stand witness as this Dark Mother and Underworld archetype takes the consciousness of the collective in different directions, and calls our attention to misplaced trust within communication, learning, and the way that we think. Sedna also may intensify the knowledge and insight that we have in regard to our understanding of the ocean and life contained within, showing us how little we truly know about the vast world beneath the surface that we have barely touched upon exploring. Will this transit see rapid development in understanding communication below the depths, will the impact of human pollution become ever more apparent as Sedna delivers consequences for our actions during the transit of Sedna in Taurus? As with all transits that reach beyond the bounds of Pluto, time will tell.